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                                       DR. EDWARD F. MACIAS, Ed.D. * LICENSED PSYCHOLOGIST

                                FORENSIC AND NEUROPSYCHOLOGY PRACTICE

Types of Evaluations:

1. Forensic Evaluation - The forensic evaluation is any evaluation involving a legal proceeding. This includes evaluations for criminal and civil matters, including personal injury cases. A forensic evaluation may involve neuropsychological testing, psycholeducational testing and/or psychological testing.

2. Neuropsychological Evaluation - The neuropsychological evaluation is a battery of primarily mental performance tests used to measure different cognitive skills and abilities. This type of evaluation is often used in head or brain injury cases due to a number of causes (e.g. toxic exposure, disease, accident, head trauma).

3. Psychoeducational Evaluation - The Psychoeducational evaluation is a battery of cognitive and academic tests used to evaluate a student's intelligence and academic strengths and weaknesses. This type of evaluation is used to diagnose learning disabilities (e.g.,reading skills,

arithmetic skills) and attention problems such as ADHD or ADD in children and adults.

4. Medical/Psychological Evaluation - The Medical/Psychological evaluation is utilized to screen patients for elective surgery or procedures (e.g., Lap Band Surgery, Cosmetic Surgery). This evaluation is used to clinically verify the patient's understanding of risks and benefits of their elective surgery or procedure and to screen for any need for related psychological services or treatment.

5. Psychological Evaluation - The Psychological evaluation utilizes a clinical interview and psychological tests to determine the examinee's emotions and personality characteristics for diagnostic and/or treatment purposes.

Types of Cases:

1. Forensic Cases: Psychological Evaluations or Neuropsychological Evaluations for criminal or civil cases where an individual is court ordered to undergo an evaluation or legal counsel requests a psychological evaluation to determine damages, diagnoses and need for treatment.

2. Psychoeducational Cases: Psychological Evaluations or Neuropsychological Evaluations for learning disability, processing disorders and ADHD to determine educational planning and possible medical and/or psychological interventions.

3. Head Injury Cases: Neuropsychological Evaluations to determine areas of cognitive impairment after head trauma and to determine treatment needs.

4. Sports Psychology Cases: Neuropsychological testing/evaluation to determine baseline level of cognitive function needed to compare to any significant post-head injury or trauma due to sport injury. Neuropsychological testing/evaluation to determine any cognitive injury and/or deficits due to sports involved head trauma.

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